
ICFJ Leap Innovation Lab’s 2023 Solutions Challenge on “AI and Disinformation!”

Deadline: 3rd of September, 2023

Are you passionate about the intersection of journalism and technology? Do you believe in a future where AI amplifies the truth, rather than distorts it? Join the ICFJ Leap Innovation Lab’s 2023 Solutions Challenge on “AI and Disinformation!”

ICFJ’s goal is to identify the most pressing challenges affecting journalism and its mission to serve the public. Addressing those challenges requires creativity – and the time and support to think innovatively. That’s where ICFJ’s Leap news innovation program comes in.

  • Explore (four weeks): Two workshops a week with experts in the field to map the landscape, identify needs and introduce new tools to address them.
  • Sprint (three weeks including half-days on Saturdays): An intensive Design Thinking process to rapidly develop and test a project or a product prototype.
  • Develop (four weeks):  Teams work with mentors to develop their ideas enough to integrate into their newsrooms or pitch it to a funder for further development. We will provide grants to build out the best ideas.


  • Collaborate with a diverse group of journalists, technologists, and product specialists.
  • Access cutting-edge tools like GPTZero’s APIs, Adobe’s Content Authenticity Initiative, and Google’s Claim Review.
  • Innovate solutions to detect AI-manipulated content, safeguard genuine news, champion ethical AI use in newsrooms, and fast-track fact-checking.


We encourage small teams from the same organization to apply together so they can better implement what they create. But we also accept applications from individuals to form a group around a common goal.

Leap is right for you if you are a journalist, technologist or product person who:

  • Can identify a journalism challenge and work to solve it with AI tools
  • Likes to collaborate with others
  • Wants to be a changemaker
  • Is ready to commit at least three hours a week
  • Is willing to share your product or outcomes with the journalistic community
  • Is fluent in English


The sessions are virtual. Participation requires:

  • Two 90-minutes sessions per week: Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 -10:30 am ET
  • Three half-day sessions Saturday in October for the Sprint

Click here to apply

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