
Heinrich Böll Foundation 9th MENA Regional Summer School 2023 (Fully-funded)

Deadline: 7th of May, 2023

Applications are currently being accepted for the 9th MENA Regional Summer School of the Heinrich Böll Foundation in 2023. The 9th Regional Summer School, with the theme “It’s More Than Just Food: Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture towards Equitable and Justice-based Food Systems in the MENA Region,” will be held in Jordan from July 29 to August 5 2023. The Heinrich Böll Foundation, with offices in Rabat, Tunis, Ramallah, and Beirut, welcomes applicants from the MENA region to apply.

The School aims to offer young professionals from civil society, youth and community initiatives, activists and researchers a forum for discussion and learning about the interconnectedness of the water, energy, and food systems, as well as community-supported sustainable agricultural practices that lead to food sovereignty. inputs, group work sessions, and field trips, participants will learn about the different perspectives regarding achievements, progress, constraints and shortcomings of food systems in the MENA region.


  • Travel, accommodation and board costs of the participants will be covered by the Heinrich Böll Foundation.


  • They are looking for engaged and motivated candidates from civil society, academia and activist groups working on different kinds of actions related to agriculture and food system management aiming for behavioral, social or political change.
  • Eligible candidates should be between the ages of 23-38 and reside in one of the following MENA countries: Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Egypt, Algeria, Iraq and Syria.

Selection Criteria:

  • Participants will be selected based on their expertise in related fields, their specific motivation to participate as well as according to a proportional representation of different countries and sectors.


In order to be considered for the Regional Summer School 2023, submit the following documents:

  • A filled out Application Form;
  • An up-to-date Curriculum Vita (CV);
  • A Short Paper (2 pages maximum) focusing on a topic related to the overall theme of the Summer School and show the applicant’s knowledge/expertise in this field as well as his/her ability to work independently and creatively. To this end, the applicant should choose a topic from within the subject area and point out its relevance to his/her respective local or national context, e.g. by introducing an exemplary project, a current debate, etc. The paper can be written in the form of an essay or a short academic paper. Accepted languages are English and Arabic.

How to Submit:

  • Applicants from Palestine and Jordan are asked to submit their application documents in English or Arabic to: Heinrich Böll Foundation – Palestine and Jordan, Mr. Nidal Atallah (Nidal.Atallah@ps.boell.org)
  • Applicants from Morocco are asked to submit their application documents in English, Arabic, or French to: Heinrich Böll Foundation – Rabat, Ms. Fatima-Zohra Lamrani (FatimaZohra.Lamrani@ma.boell.org)
  • Applicants from Tunisia and Egypt are asked to submit their application documents in English, Arabic, or French to: Heinrich Böll Foundation – Tunis, Ms. Emna Fourati (Emna.Fourati@tn.boell.org)
  • Applicants from Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria are asked to submit their application documents in English or Arabic to: Heinrich Böll Foundation – Beirut, Mr. Christophe Maroun (Christophe.Maroun@lb.boell.org)

Click here to apply

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