
Harvard Scholars at Risk Fellowship 2023

Deadline: 1st of Jan, 2023

The Scholars at Risk fellowship is meant to provide a safe environment for a scholar to conduct research and intellectual or artistic endeavors; it is not meant to serve as a platform for winning political support for the issues that lead to the scholar’s stance.

Benefits of This Fellowship

  • Stipends, insurance, and travel expenses (for the fellow and any dependents) are all included in fellowships.
  • Stipend amounts may vary based on the conditions of the host department, the accessibility of accommodation, and the types of in-kind support provided as part of the fellowship package.
  • Fellows will have to return to their native country or look for employment abroad after the fellowship.
  • From arrival, Harvard SAR interacts with fellows to discuss options for the following stages and to work towards arranging housing for the year after the fellowship.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Both U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents are disqualified.
  • People may nominate themselves or apply on their behalf.
  • Depending on the situation, certain people who have permanent residence outside their native country may not be eligible.
  • Please consider making a nomination if you are a member of the Harvard staff, faculty, or student body and you know someone who would profit from this program.
  • Outside of Harvard, nominations are also solicited from interested parties.
  • Anyone who meets the requirements for the fellowship is welcome to apply on their behalf, including academics, artists, and authors. (Nominations are not required.)

Selection Criteria

  • Any academic who runs the danger of being persecuted due to their beliefs, work, or identity qualifies.
  • Refugee scholars are not required to be SAR fellows.
  • Only academics who uphold the necessary criteria in their respective professions are considered.
  • Even if not employed by an academic institution, writers, artists, philosophers, and independent intellectuals who undertake scholarly activity may be regarded as “scholars.”
  • The term “risk” refers to the potential for repression and punishment as a result of the scholar’s fame, accomplishments, or exercise of fundamental human rights.
  • The Scholars at Risk Committee, whose members choose each year’s selection(s) from among the nominations submitted, will decide what constitutes sufficient risk and who fits the requirements for being deemed a “scholar” in practice.
  • The committee maintains the authority to verify information such as credentials and risk reports.
  • Although fellowships are typically given out for the next academic year, the program occasionally considers emergency applications.
  • For those who refuse the fellowship, choose not to go, or are unable to attend, fellowships won’t be postponed or held in reserve; if they’d want to reapply, they can.

Documents Requirement

The following documents must be submitted for each fellowship applicant, regardless of whether they self-nominate or are nominated by someone else:

  • Form for Nomination/Application. (including complete responses to questions regarding immigration status).
  • Please note that references on a CV may be contacted in connection with this “Scholars at Risk” scholarship. References should be taken out if this is not what is wanted.
  • The Statement of Risk (1,000 words) should outline the danger the scholar confronts and include specifics about any threats or persecution they have experienced.
  • The Scholar’s objectives and motives for pursuing the Scholars at Risk fellowship at Harvard should be expressed in the Statement of Purpose (1,000 words).
  • Include any letters or expressions of support that might help the nomination or application—or have them delivered directly to Harvard Scholars at Risk—by including them in the application or nomination. Letters should emphasize risk and academic achievement or labor. Recommenders must be willing to be contacted and provide their preferred means of contact. They advise using at least three letters

A note from the nominator: Please provide a Nomination statement with the nomination form and any other documentation needed by each contender. The following points should be covered in the nomination statement:

  • Describe your motivation for choosing the nominee.
  • Give a brief overview of the candidate’s educational history, professional experience, recent employment in academic fields, and ongoing initiatives.
  • Provide specific examples of situations in which the candidate’s work has been endangered or hampered. If possible, please detail any current threats, their nature, and their origin.
  • Describe any personal factors that make it difficult for the candidate to accept a fellowship.
  • Outline the potential advantages of the fellowship for (i) the applicant, (ii) Harvard University, and (iii) the local academic scene.
  • Describe the candidate’s proposed work during the fellowship. Does the applicant have a passion for education? What subjects would the applicant teach? If so? (Teaching is optional.)
  • Describe how you plan to assist Harvard in welcoming and accommodating the scholar. Do you have access to any potential helpful resources, whether administrative, financial, academic, or housing-related? Are you willing or able to help the scholar acclimate to the new community? (This is optional, but they appreciate knowing what could be feasible.)

How to Apply?

Letters of recommendation and nomination materials should be emailed to Jane Unrue at: unrue@fas.harvard.edu.

Oyin Olufayo

Oyin Olufayo is a Sustainable Development Goals Advocate. A recent graduate of The School of Politics, Policy, and Governance (SPPG) She is a Technical Writer, Political Writer, and a Content Writer. Her passion for sustainable development goals has been implemented by creating tangible solutions. She has featured in grassroots initiatives like TedX, World Literacy Foundation, Spur Nation Media, FRCN, Naija Law and etc. spreading the impact of Sustainable education, and also facilitated numerous events regarding SDGs.

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