
Hans Hartwig Ruthenberg-Graduate Award 2024

Deadline: 30th of April, 2024

The Hans Hartwig Ruthenberg Graduate Award 2024 is currently accepting applications. The Eiselen Foundation’s top priority was the advancement of young, gifted scientists. The Hans Hartwig Ruthenberg-Graduate Award was established by the Eiselen Foundation in 1999 to honor exceptional diplomas or master’s theses in the area of food security, in addition to the Josef G. Knoll-European Science Award.

The Foundation Fiat Panis has been in charge of presenting the award since 2010. At the erstwhile agricultural college (now University) Hohenheim, Prof. Dr. Hans-Hartwig Ruthenberg succeeded Prof. Dr. Josef G. Knoll as a renowned representative of German agricultural research with an international focus.


  • The prize is endowed with 7,500 euros and has been awarded to a total of 66 winners with a total prize money of 165,000 euros since 1999.


  • The maximum age of applicants is 30 years.
  • The academic degree must be from a university or university of applied sciences in Europe.
  • The thesis language has to be in German or English.


The deadline for the application is April 30, 2024 (date of the postmark). After ending the jury process by mid-August 2024 at the latest, all applicants will be informed about the result.

Click here to apply 

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