
Global Solvers Accelerator 2023 for Emerging Leaders

Deadline: Unspecified

The Global Solvers Accelerator 2023 has opened its application period. Emergent social change agents from all around the world are connected, given power, and transformed through the Global Solvers Accelerator.
In order to improve the social impact projects they are leading, develop collective leadership skills, and spark revolutionary change that breaks through boundaries of location and identity, the program engages participants via an eight-month project-based collaborative learning experience (SDGs).

Up to 20 selected participants will collaborate to improve and grow their significant community initiatives after being chosen from among hundreds of candidates from all around the world. The program gives Global Solvers a platform to maximize the effect of their social impact initiatives through deliberate peer learning, subject matter advice, and cutting-edge theme contributions.


During a guided, experiential learning journey with intentional peer exchange, tailored subject matter
advisory, and leading-edge thematic impulses, you will build the competencies, capacity, and network(s)
to intentionally unleash the fullest transformative potential of your social impact work. By joining the
programme, participants stand to gain valuable insights, both from mentors and peers, such as:

  • Capacity Building: Springboard for participants to pivot their capacity in areas like collective
    leadership, transformative impact and systemic design. Leading edge thematic
    contributions, peer exchange, subject matter advisory and assignments all add to helping
    participants social impact and global citizenship skills.
  • Weeklong Retreat: A fully-funded retreat to Europe as part of the programme for all
    participants in the accelerator.
  • Furthering Impact: 8-month learning journey that connects emerging change agents
    worldwide, refining the social impact initiatives they are spearheading, building collective
    leadership competencies and together igniting transformative change that cut across
    barriers to further the SDGs, and more.
  • Melton Fellowship: Upon successful completion of the programme, participants are eligible
    to join a life-long Senior Fellowship at The Melton Foundation. This global supported
    community gets access to over 600 charged catalysts across the globe, project funding
    through Action Grants, travel opportunities to impact events and more


  • Applicant should be between the ages of 20-35: curious, responsible, forward-thinking, open-minded individuals who are self-reflective and a team player.
  • Social Engagement: proven track record of social impact and community development work.
  • Project: actively engaged in or leading a local impact project currently.
  • Leadership: leverage over or influence on project design and decision making.
  • Acceleration: committed to furthering impact and to transform society.
  • Global Citizenship: desire to connect in diversity and collaborate with global peers to
    address pressing issues.
  • Participation: Internet access, time (4hrs/week), sufficient English skills.

    Click here to apply

Oyin Olufayo

Oyin Olufayo is a Sustainable Development Goals Advocate. A recent graduate of The School of Politics, Policy, and Governance (SPPG) She is a Technical Writer, Political Writer, and a Content Writer. Her passion for sustainable development goals has been implemented by creating tangible solutions. She has featured in grassroots initiatives like TedX, World Literacy Foundation, Spur Nation Media, FRCN, Naija Law and etc. spreading the impact of Sustainable education, and also facilitated numerous events regarding SDGs.

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