
FSPN-Youth in Agribusiness Innovators Challenge 2023 for Kenyans

Deadline: 30th of June, 2023

Are you a Kenyan Youth passionate about the food system? Join the Youth in Agribusiness Innovators’  Challenge for an opportunity to maximize the potential of  your idea\innovation and\or enterprise in transforming the Food System.

As part of the European Union Funded Healthy Diets 4 Africa Project, Food Security for Peace and Nutrition Africa (FSPN-Africa) is engaging youth innovators in leading Food System transformation in Kenya through the Youth in Agribusiness  Innovators’ Challenge. The main goal  of the challenge is  to empower, strengthen and shape innovations by youth in agriculture , food and nutrition in effort to position for scaling.
This initiative will provide a platform for young people to improve their capacities through mentorship  and linkages to  partners ,  experts and key resources  to support adoption of  best approaches to improve innovations for food and nutrition security that are sustainable and scalable.


  • You can make  a submission  for your idea\innovation\enterprise as an individual or a team of not more than five
  • All applicants and  team should not be more than 35 years of age.

Solutions submitted to Youth in Agribusiness Innovators Challenge should:

1. Address a food system problem  in one or more  of these thematic areas:
  • Sustainable Innovations for crop production ( solutions that improve productivity while  managing natural resources such water,soil)
  • Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture (solutions that provide healthy food by utilizing small spaces)
  • Value Addition( solutions\process\ techniques\enterprises  that  transform raw agricultural  products to new products)
  • Storage and Post Handling Innovations ( innovations that work to reduce food waste and losses
  2.   Focus on the following Value Chains
  • Vegetables ( Mushrooms, African Leafy Vegetables, Pumpkin and \or Pumpkin Leaves)
  • Cereals (Finger Millet, Pearl Millet and\or Sorghum)
  • Tubers ( Cassava and\or Sweet potatoes)
  • Legumes (Pigeon Peas , green grams and\or  Beans)
  • Fruits ( Tree tomato, Guava, Baobab : any additional fruits is  acceptable)

3.  Have presence in  Kenya

4. Clearly show novelty,  feasibility and sustainability


Participants selected for the Young Food System Innovators will:
1.  Networking  and collaborating with Healthy  Diets 4 Africa partners  and participating teams.
2.  Business\innovation  and financial assessment for scaling support.
4.  Training,  mentorship and  tailor-made matchmaking with industry actors  for innovation\solution scaling.
5.  Successful  businesses/innovations  will be awarded grants  between USD 500-USD 1000


  • Submit your idea\innovations\ enterprise by filling in this form
  • Upload 1-2 minute video  showing how your innovations\solution works

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