
Fourth Industrial Revolution Technology Application (4IRTA) Initiative (N10 Million in Funding)

Deadline: 7th of December, 2023

The Agriculture Demonstration Project allows us to to identify, demonstrate,, and mainstream market-ready innovations that leverage 4IR technologies to enhance productivity and sustainability in the Nigerian agricultural sector.

Selected projects will receive up to N10,000,000 in funding to deepen the application of 4IR technologies in their work. The Ministry of Agriculture will provide support to selected pilot farms and navigate a path to scale and sustainability.


  • The 10 selected projects are expected to be focused on the application of UAV, IoT, AI and Blockchain in different agricultural subsectors, e.g. crop production, fishery, livestock and forestry
  • Project proposals will need to demonstrate the use of 4IR Technologies  to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability in Nigeria

Selection Criteria

  • Applications will be evaluated based on these criteria:
  • Innovative use of 4IR technology to improve agricultural productivity
  • Potential to generate significant economic and social benefits for farmers
  • Technical feasibility with a plan for scaling
  • A clear sustainability plan for long-term success


  • Applications for the project are now open and must be submitted online by the closing date of December 7th, 2023.
  • Successful applicants will be contacted no earlier than 6 weeks after the closing date of December 7th,, 2023.

Click here to apply

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