
Excellence Fellowships for a Master of Science 2023

Deadline: 15th of March, 2023

The University of Geneva’s Faculty of Science is a globally acknowledged leader in research.

This cutting-edge study spans astronomy, biology, chemistry and biochemistry, computer science, mathematics, physics, pharmaceutical sciences, earth sciences, and the environment. The University is home to three highly competitive Swiss National Sciences Foundation National Centres of Competence in Research (Chemical Biology, SwissMAP, and Planets), as well as several European research programs. The Masters of the Faculty of Science provide an excellent foundation for both academic and professional growth, with opportunities in industry, teaching, and administration in sciences, communication, and media… Master’s degrees in the programs are either wholly in English or in English and French.

Masters degrees from the globally renowned Faculty of Science are an excellent starting point for professional and academic pursuits. Astrophysics, Biochemistry, Biology, Chemical Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Environmental Science, Mathematics, Mathematics and Computer Science, Neuroscience, Pharmacy, Physics, and Prehistoric Archaeology are among the scientific subjects covered.

The University of Geneva’s Faculty of Science seeks to promote academic achievement by giving financial assistance to top students from across the world who choose to pursue a Master’s degree. Applications are open to highly motivated students who have finished their Bachelor’s degree (or hope to do it within 6 months), are in the top 10% of their institution, and want to pursue a Master’s degree at the University of Geneva. UNIGE courses are structured in accordance with the European credit system (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System – ECTS ).

With the assistance of external partners, the Faculty of Science has developed an Excellence Fellowship program available to excellent and highly motivated students interested in pursuing a Master of Science degree in one of the Faculty’s areas. Excellence is used to pick candidates.


  • The Excellence Fellowship consists of a grant amounting to CHF 10’000 to CHF 15’000/year (no teaching duties);
  • It is awarded for one year and extended for the regular duration of the chosen Master’s program (three or four semesters) provided the applicant is academically successful at the end of his/her first semester of studies.


  • A French exam is not required to follow a Master program at the Faculty of Science. In most Master programs, lectures are partly in English, in some completely. To have the adequate proficiency in English and/or French is the responsibility of each student. Consult the web pages of each Master program or contact its coordinator for detailed information.
  • Bachelor recognized by the University of Geneva. Contact the relevant Master coordinator for more details.



The application (in English or French) must include the following documents in the form of a SINGLE pdf file:

  • A scan of your national identity card or passport.
  • A Curriculum Vitae (2 pages maximum).
  • The transcript of exams passed during the bachelor education, with all grades.
  • A motivation letter in which you describe your specific scientific interests and your motivation to pursue a Master of Science program at the University of Geneva.
  • If possible: Letters of references from two professors (preferably sent by them directly to
  • Excellence-Master-Sciences@unige.ch) attesting your aptitude to this program.
  • Any other pertinent information like results of GRE (General requirement examination), of TOEFL or other language test.

Click here to apply 

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