
EuroNatur’s European Treasures of Nature Photo Competition 2024

Deadline: 31st of March, 2024

Cheers to another round of “European Treasures of Nature,” an international photo competition organized by EuroNatur. For the thirty-first year, amateur and professional photographers are being invited by EuroNatur and its partners in the photo competition to take spectacular pictures of the stunning landscapes of Europe as well as the wide array of flora and wildlife.

The most striking photos of European nature will thereafter be chosen by a panel of specialists from EuroNatur, “Natur,” GELSENWASSER AG, and the Constance photo store LichtBlick photographers. The top images will get cash awards and be included in our large EuroNatur calendar. The images of the winners will also be posted on the websites of the competition organizers and in the magazines “Natur” and EuroNatur.

European nature should serve as a source for subjects. In addition to giving prizes to the top twelve, the jury may also choose to give out a “Jury’s special award.” The 12 winning images will be included in the 2025 EuroNatur calendar. The verdicts of the jury are final. Pictures that were taken in violation of the wildlife photographers’ code of conduct may be disqualified by the organizers. Images that have been digitally altered, include pets or farm animals, feature cultivated wild plant species, or were not taken in Europe will not be allowed.

There isn’t a charge to enter. The competition’s administrative expenses as well as the return of the slides will be covered by the organisers. Organizers include the magazine “Natur”, the picture store “Lichtblick” in Constance, the photo foundation EuroNatur Foundation, EuroNatur-Service GmbH, and Gelsenwasser AG. All photographers with their primary residency in Europe are eligible to enter the competition.


  • 1st Prize: 1,500 EUR
  • 2nd Prize: 1,000 EUR
  • 3rd Prize: 750 EUR
  • 4th Prize: 500 EUR
  • 5th Prize: 250 EUR
  • The 6th – 12th prizes and the Jury Prize are a voucher for the value of 25 EUR to be redeemed against EuroNatur Service GmbH’s range of products.
  • Each winner will also receive a copy of EuroNatur’s 2025 Europen Treasures of Nature wall calendar. Prizes cannot be converted into cash. The organisers’ decision is final.


  • The competition is open to all photographers whose main residence is in Europe.




No more than five pictures may be entered per entrant/photographer. Entries may be in the form of digital color pictures (submitted on CD or by email) or all types of non-glass slides (but no prints, no black and white photographs, and no panorama formats). Address: EuroNatur Service GmbH, Fotowettbewerb “Natural Treasures 2024”, Westendstrasse 3, D – 78315 Radolfzell, Germany.

  • Scans of slides are allowed, but please bear in mind that excellent technical quality (focus, exposure) is an essential requirement for prize-winning images.
  • Minimum resolution for digital pictures: 6 million pixels.

Digital pictures must be submitted in two separate files on CD:

  • 1st file: “preview”: jpeg of 1200 pixels on the long side
  • 2nd file: “high-resolution files”: full-size jpeg of the highest quality (e.g. saved in Adobe Photoshop at quality level 12).
  • The titles of digital picture files must contain the photographer’s name and the name and number (1- 5) of the picture (e.g. MaxMueller_Brownbear_C_Croatia_1.jpg).
  • Pictures of animals or plants taken in controlled conditions (zoo, pen, botanical gardens, studio, or similar) must be identified by a “C” (for captive) on the slide frame or in the file name and contain corresponding information in the list of pictures.

Digital entries are submitted via photo(at)

  • No more than 5 photos per entrant/photographer plus an accompanying list of the pictures may be entered.
  • The required format is JPEG with 1200 pixel picture length (approx. picture size 500 KB – all five pictures may not exceed a total file size of 5 MB).
  • When an entry that has been submitted digitally is awarded a prize, EuroNatur will ask for the corresponding original high-resolution image file.

List of pictures: The entry must include a printed list of the pictures in English or German; in the case of digital pictures these must be listed in a separate document on the CD (as a PDF or Excel file). In addition to the name, email, and address of the photographer, picture title, and number (1 to 5), this list must also provide a detailed description of the subject including the following information: date the picture was taken, camera, lens, species (scientific name, if possible), location (country, region, habitat, nature reserve, zoo, etc.) and further information such as exposure, time of day, setting, atmosphere or similar.

Click here to apply

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