
Earth Journalism Network Asia-Pacific Media Grants 2023 (up to $20,000)

Deadline: January 31, 2023

The Earth Journalism Network Asia-Pacific Media Grants 2023 are now accepting applications. The Earth Journalism Network’s Asia-Pacific project, which seeks to increase the quantity and quality of environmental reporting in the area and give at-risk communities more power by educating them about environmental issues and amplifying their voices in the media, is responsible for awarding this round of grants.
They are looking for creative proposals from journalist networks, media organizations, civil society organizations, and academic institutions across Asia and the Pacific for this round of media grants that would increase public awareness of the connections between human, animal, and environmental health as well as the demand for multidisciplinary, collaborative solutions to humanity’s greatest threats.

Examples of activities that can be supported include, but are not limited to:

  • An environmental reporting project that highlights the interdependence of the health and
    well-being of humans, animals, and their environments. Examples of themes include
    intensive food production, climate change, heavy metal contamination, antimicrobial
    resistance, pesticide poisoning and pollution, biodiversity loss, wildlife trafficking, natural
    resources management, and large-scale infrastructure development.
  • Transboundary reporting projects and content sharing among media outlets based in
    different localities or countries.
  • Cross-sectoral collaborations and knowledge exchange between journalists, information
    providers and other key actors, such as researchers and governmental bodies.
  • Partnerships and network building for environmental reporting, such as the formation of an
    environmental journalists’ network or an investigative environmental reporting partnership.
  • Innovative tools to support media investigation into environmental threats and the distribution of environmental stories.
  • Institutional capacity building activities that build skills and knowledge on topics, such as but
    not limited to, financial reporting, monitoring and evaluation, gender inclusion, and inperson or virtual activities that support environmental reporting.


This grant fund has US$120,000 available for awards this year, which would ideally be
shared among six to eight projects. The grant amount can range between US$5,000 to
US$20,000 depending on the scope of the proposed activities.


  • Media organizations, journalist networks, universities and academic institutions focusing on
    environmental reporting in the Asia and Pacific region are welcome to apply.
  • Civil society organizations, community-based groups and research institutes will also be
    considered – but only those with strong media and communication components that are
    dedicated to supporting fair and accurate environmental reporting. Note that they will not
    consider applications rooted in advocacy or political campaigning.
  • For the purpose of this call, they are only accepting applications from low-and-middleincome countries in the Asia-Pacific region. They are unfortunately, unable to accept
    applications from Pakistan, and Central Asian or Middle Eastern countries.

Examples of eligible activities include but are not limited to:

  • Training workshops;
  • Development of reporters’ resources and e-learning tools;
  • Story grants for journalists;
  • Mentoring of journalists;
  • Special reporting projects;
  • Networking and partnership activities for journalists;
  • Development of new storytelling platforms;
  • Establishment of a journalist network.

Judging Criteria:

Grants will be awarded competitively through a judging process. The panel of judges will consist of
Internews staff and experts in environmental reporting. Following a first-round review, potential grantees
will be shortlisted. The jury may interview shortlisted applicants to seek further information on the
proposed activity. The jury will then reconvene again after the interviews to make a final selection of the

The jury evaluates all eligible applications in a comparative context and makes funding decisions based
on the availability of funds, the program objectives, and the following assessment criteria:

  • overall quality of the proposal and effectiveness of the project design;
  • relevance of the proposed project in contributing to the objectives and priorities of this
    grant programme;
  • potential of proposed project to bring about positive change;
  • innovation of the proposed activities;
  • financial viability and cost-effectiveness of the proposed project;
  • the ability of the applicant to carry it out;
  • geographical spread of the grantees.


All applicants are required to submit a budget with the application form. Download the template to build your project budget.

Click here to apply

Oyin Olufayo

Oyin Olufayo is a Sustainable Development Goals Advocate. A recent graduate of The School of Politics, Policy, and Governance (SPPG) She is a Technical Writer, Political Writer, and a Content Writer. Her passion for sustainable development goals has been implemented by creating tangible solutions. She has featured in grassroots initiatives like TedX, World Literacy Foundation, Spur Nation Media, FRCN, Naija Law and etc. spreading the impact of Sustainable education, and also facilitated numerous events regarding SDGs.

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