
Data Journalism Grants 2023

The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, a non-profit organization that supports independent global journalism, is seeking applications for innovative data-driven journalism projects that spotlight underreported issues. This opportunity is open to all newsrooms and independent journalists in the United States and abroad.


They are eager for proposals that will employ cutting-edge data techniques, as well as embrace collaboration among newsrooms, whether that be across state lines or across national borders. They encourage proposals that push the envelope in data collection and analysis and make use of advanced data mining techniques, such as machine learning, and natural language processing, as well as spatial data analysis, satellite imagery, drones, and sensors. They’re seeking compelling data-driven storytelling, based on original data collection and analysis and strong visuals, that has the potential to shape public discourse and hold the powerful accountable.

For inspiration, here are recent examples of Pulitzer Center-supported data journalism projects:

  • Built to Last | Christo Buschek, Alison Killing, and Megha Rajagopalan (2021 Pulitzer Prize Winner / Sigma 2021 Award Winner)
  • Waves of Abandonment | Clayton Aldern, Christopher Collins, and Naveena Sadasivam (2021 U. of Florida Award for Investigative Data Journalism, Small/Medium Newsroom)
  • Land Grab Universities | Tristan Ahtone, Kalen Goodluck, Robert Lee, Geoff McGhee, and Margaret Pearce (2021 Sigma Award Winner / 2020 Polk Award Winner)
  • “Nations Divided: Mapping Canada’s Pipeline Battle” | Jillian Kestler-D’Amours and Megan O’Toole
  • Taken: How the Police Profit from Seized Property | Pam Dempsey, William Freivogel, Brant Houston, Dan McCarey, Jolie McCullough, Jacob Ryan, Neena Satija, and Edgar Walters
  • “Forced Out: Measuring the Scale of Conflict in South Sudan” | Carolyn Thompson (2019 IRE Philip Meyer Award Winner)
  • “The Atlantic Conquest” | Guido Bilbao and Sol Lauría
  • Mapping Makoko | Oluwatosin Adeshokan, John Eromosele, and Jacopo Ottaviani (2021 Sigma Award Winner)
  • “Sucked Dry: Land Grabs Leave Thirst in Nile River Communities” | Annika McGinnis and Fredrick Mugira (2020 Fetisov Journalism Award Winner)
  • “Power Play: How Chinese Money Damned Myanmar’s Economic Transition” | Eva Constantaras, Clare Hammond, Victoria Milko, and Ye Mon
  • “Kruger’s Contested Borderlands” | Fiona Macleod and Estacio Valoi


  • They will consider projects of any scope and size and they are open to supporting multiple projects each year.
  • Most awards for their past data journalism project support have been between $10,000-20,000 but may be more or less depending on circumstances.


  • This opportunity is open to U.S. residents and journalists around the world.
  • They are open to proposals from freelance data journalists, staff journalists, or groups of newsrooms working in collaboration with a data project idea.
  • They want to make sure that people from many backgrounds and perspectives are empowered to produce data journalism.
  • They strongly encourage proposals from journalists and newsrooms who represent a broad array of social, racial, ethnic, underrepresented groups, and economic backgrounds.




  • A description of the proposed project, including distribution/publication plan, no more than 250 words. They look more favorably on proposals that include a letter(s) of interest or support from publishers or editors.
  • Methodology: Please describe your approach to collecting and analyzing the data, and include your approach for fact-checking or independently verifying the data that will be used in your reporting. (Fact-checking and data verification could be the role of the publishing partner, but please explain the process.)
  • A preliminary budget estimate, including a basic breakdown of costs. Include travel costs, software, satellite/GIS, or hardware costs. Please do not include stipends for journalists/team members who are in the employ of newsrooms or are being paid by a publisher. If you are a journalist collaborating with a data designer and/or data visual specialist you may include consultant fees in your budget.
  • Three examples (links) of published work by you (or someone on your project team.) For example data visualizations, infographics, and/or data-driven stories.
  • Three professional references. These can be either contact information or letters of recommendation.
  • A copy of your resume or curriculum vitae.

Applications may also include a more detailed description of the project, but this will be considered as an optional supplement only. The most important part of the submission is the 250-word summary and the methodology.

They will consider projects of any scope and size.  Please choose a team leader to submit the proposal, and submit only one project per journalist, data design team, or newsroom.

This grant opportunity is now open, and applications will be reviewed on a first come, rolling basis.

Click here to apply

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