
Climatetech Financial Analyst

Deadline: 6th of August, 2022

The Climate Collective, an Indian not-for-profit organisation, runs climate-focused startup support programs, including the largest early-stage Climate Tech accelerator in South Asia. Please view our company page on LinkedIn and our website for more information. We are also New Energy Nexus India, through a partnership with New Energy Nexus.

To supplement startup acceleration, we are setting up 3 funding initiatives – the Climate Seeds Fund, Climate Angels Network (a syndication support platform for early-stage investor organizations in South Asia) and Climate Seeders Club (an investment syndication platform for retail investors).

We’re looking for a full-time Financial Analyst, with a strong preference for someone with an understanding of / experience in climate tech/cleantech, willing to work in IST and US (Pacific) time zones.

Key Responsibilities

If you’re selected for this role, you will contribute in research and analysis for the fund (for e.g. around the regional climate tech investment landscape, stakeholders, deals etc) and eventually support evaluation, DD and shortlisting for presentation to the IC; as well as work with the team to grow the angel network support platform across South Asia (this includes project coordination, stakeholder/investor management, being part of managing events like pitch-days/conferences/workshops).

You can be located anywhere. However, once the COVID risk situation stabilities, it is expected that there would be a certain amount of travel in India and the region for program activities and business development.


  • At least 2 to 4 years work experience as a financial analyst. Though not a pre-requisite, prior exposure to cleantech (clean energy, climate or related sectors) is likely to give you an advantage in the evaluation process.
  • This role requires analytical and financial modelling skills, strong communications, resourcefulness, and the ability to manage time and prioritise work.
  • Must be motivated and intrinsically entrepreneurial. Needless to say, having excellent skills in Excel, Word and PowerPoint, and a general appreciation for systems & productivity tools (we use Asana, Slack and a few others).

This job might be good for you if you:

–        Enjoy solving problems. If you don’t know the answer, you dig deep until you find it.

–        Enjoy working with Climate Tech startups and investors. This means being a great facilitator, listener and coordinator.

–        Are looking to make an impact – not just on the environment, but helping startups and investors engage with each other

–        Enjoy learning

This is a good role for someone with finance experience and exposure to cleantech, and with a serious interest in getting into climate tech VC. The progression pathway for Analysts is toward an Associate role.


  • Compensation will be based on your experience and expertise, and competitively benchmarked to market levels in India.

Other additional benefits include:

  •  Freedom to chart a career development path by building skills in multiple roles
  • Flexibility to work remotely, with quarterly retreats to interact with the rest of the team
  • Health insurance coverage, after probation period is complete

Click here to apply

Oyin Olufayo

Oyin Olufayo is a Sustainable Development Goals Advocate. A recent graduate of The School of Politics, Policy, and Governance (SPPG) She is a Technical Writer, Political Writer, and a Content Writer. Her passion for sustainable development goals has been implemented by creating tangible solutions. She has featured in grassroots initiatives like TedX, World Literacy Foundation, Spur Nation Media, FRCN, Naija Law and etc. spreading the impact of Sustainable education, and also facilitated numerous events regarding SDGs.

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