
Caribbean Climate Justice Journalism Fellowship 2023 (Stipend available)

Deadline: 15th of May, 2023

Do you have a passion for storytelling and climate issues? Then this is some exciting news for
you! The Caribbean Climate Justice Journalism Fellowship is now accepting applications for a
second cycle, which will run from June to November 2023!
Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing our planet today. It’s affecting everything
from our food and water supplies to the very air we breathe. And it’s hitting the Caribbean
especially hard, with rising sea levels, more frequent and intense hurricanes, and other
devastating effects.
But here’s the good news: YOU can do something about it. By sharing stories of resilience,
courage, and innovation, you can inspire others to take action. That’s where the Caribbean
Climate Justice Journalism Fellowship comes in!

This fellowship is a collaboration between Climate Tracker and Open Society Foundations, two
organisations deeply committed to promoting climate justice and environmental sustainability.
Together, they are offering a unique opportunity for young Caribbean journalists to hone their
skills, tell important stories, and make a real impact in their communities.


  • Training and Mentorship: As a fellow, you’ll receive expert training and mentorship from
    experienced journalists and climate experts. You’ll learn how to research, report, and write
    stories that resonate with audiences and make a difference.
  • Networking: You’ll also have the chance to connect with other fellows, journalists, editors,
    and gurus in the field. You’ll build your professional network and learn from others
    passionate about climate issues.
  • Monthly Stipend: You’ll receive a monthly stipend during the six months of the fellowship,
    every time you publish a story with Climate Tracker.
  • Publishing opportunities: They expect you to produce multiple original stories on climate
    justice in the Caribbean during the fellowship period. Your work with Climate Tracker could
    be featured on other media platforms interested in connecting with Caribbean climate
    journalists, just LIKE YOU.
  • Fun and Fellowship: But it’s not all work and no play! The fellowship is designed to be a fun
    and engaging experience, with plenty of opportunities to connect, learn, and explore. You’ll
    get to know your colleagues, participate in workshops and events, and maybe even have
    more future opportunities with Climate Tracker!


You can apply if you are:

  • A Caribbean journalist interested in covering climate justice.
  • A Caribbean journalist with some experience in covering environmental issues but looking
    for guidance and training in reporting on climate justice.
  • A Caribbean journalist with some publications under your belt, interested in gaining
    knowledge and certification in climate justice.
  • A Caribbean journalism, media, or communications student with at least 1 year of
    experience reporting or some publishing is already done in the past year, looking for the
    chance to increase your knowledge and publishing profile.
  • Able to commit to attendance of the fortnightly group training sessions and weekly checkin calls with your assigned mentor.
    Note: All ages are invited to apply, however, priority will be given to those between 18-35 years of


  • If you’re selected as a fellow, you’ll have the opportunity to publish one climate justice
    feature story each month in a local or regional media outlet. These stories can be in any
    format you like – written, audio, photo, or video journalism – as long as they cover the topic
    of climate justice.
  • Before you start working on each story, you’ll need to pitch your idea to your journalism
    mentor. This is a chance for you to get feedback and advice on how to make your story as
    impactful as possible.
  • In addition to working on your stories, you’ll be required to attend monthly group training
    sessions and weekly 1-1 check-in calls with your mentor. This is to ensure that you’re
    getting the support and guidance you need. This is critical and we expect that all our
    fellows hold up their side of the agreement but attending meetings and trying as best as
    possible to stick to planned timelines for delivering story pitches, draft stories, and
    published stories.
  • But that’s not all! As a fellow, you’ll also work with the Climate Tracker team to organise and
    conduct new media engagements. This will include:

    • 1 Podcast episode
    • 1 Instagram LIVE session
    • 1 Twitter Space
    • 1 contribution to the Caribbean Climate Justice Brief newsletter


Simply tell them how this fellowship could potentially benefit you and your career! Application
deadline is Monday, 15 May, 2023 at 11:59pm (GMT-4 | Port-of-Spain time).

Click here to apply

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