
Call for Projects: World Heritage Volunteers 2023 – Working on the Future

Deadline: 31st of December, 2022

Join World Heritage Volunteers 2023 – Working on the Future by submitting an application. The World Heritage Volunteers (WHV) Initiative rises to the challenge of “The Next 50” years by involving youth, communities, and site managers in creating new, inclusive societies where World Heritage serves as a source of resilience, humanity, and innovation, beyond the confines of geography and cultural boundaries. This is done in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention.

The UNESCO World Heritage Centre is happy to announce the opening of the Call for Projects for the “World Heritage Volunteers 2023 – Working on the Future” in this context of celebration and revitalization of youth and community volunteer activities for heritage.

They look forward to welcoming historic partners and new actors to be part of the renewed activities that
make this dedicated community a solid pillar to sustain all future work for World Heritage conservation,
preservation and awareness work around the world.


In order to be eligible for selection, both the applying organisations and the proposed projects must fulfil
the set of mandatory criteria detailed below.


  • The applicant should be legally registered as a public or private organisation or institution in
    the country where the project takes place;
  • All activities of the organisation related to WHV should be non-profit. All local, national and
    international partnerships developed by the applicant in the framework of WHV should be
    submitted for approval to the WHV coordinators;
  • First time applicants should submit two letters of support from recognised organisations
    and/or institutions recommending the applicant on the basis of past or current proven
  • First time applicants should submit a copy of their Constitution Bylaws of their most recent
    activity report in one of the UN official languages.
  • Each organisation is eligible to apply for a maximum of 4 projects to be carried out at
    different sites (you may apply to run several projects at the same site: these will be counted
    as one project unless they involve a completely different set of local partners and differ
    substantially in terms of activities and theme).
  • In order for the new WHV proposals to be considered in 2023, organisations must have
    submitted the evaluation form of the projects implemented in the previous year.


  • Should be organised in immediate connection to a property inscribed on the World Heritage
    List or a site on a Tentative List;
  • Should have a minimum 10 day duration consecutive or not, (excluding arrival and
    departure dates); and include the same group of people for the duration of the action camp;
  • Should ideally start after April 1 and end by October 15, 2023;
  • Should involve as much as possible, international volunteers;
  • Should include awareness-raising activities, practical hands-on activities and skills related to
    UNESCO World Heritage sites where the action camps will be conducted;
  • Should be developed in consultation with site managers and local authorities, reflecting the
    needs of the sites;
  • Should include practical hands-on skills training activities as well as reflection on issues
    related to World Heritage;
  • Should involve the community in order to deepen their knowledge around issues related to
    World Heritage and the World Heritage Volunteers Initiative;
  • Should respect participants’ gender balance (ideally equal number of male and female
    participants) and geographical diversity (ideally representing different countries and


In order to get involved in and/or renew your commitment towards the protection, preservation, and
promotion of World Heritage through the WHV Initiative, fill in the online application by December 31,

Click here to apply

Oyin Olufayo

Oyin Olufayo is a Sustainable Development Goals Advocate. A recent graduate of The School of Politics, Policy, and Governance (SPPG) She is a Technical Writer, Political Writer, and a Content Writer. Her passion for sustainable development goals has been implemented by creating tangible solutions. She has featured in grassroots initiatives like TedX, World Literacy Foundation, Spur Nation Media, FRCN, Naija Law and etc. spreading the impact of Sustainable education, and also facilitated numerous events regarding SDGs.

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