
Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2) Conservation Tech Award 2023

Deadline: 15th of August, 2023

The Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2)’s EarthRanger initiative is dedicated to assisting protected areas and conservation groups in protecting species and their ecosystems through technological innovation.

AI2 seeks to provide two (2) grants, each in the amount of $15,000 USD, to organizations that deployed or developed technology to make a positive impact in conservation management, including but not limited to, the security of endangered animals, animal behavioral research, anti-poaching enforcement, ecological management, and human-wildlife coexistence:
  • ‍Technology Adopter Grant: this grant is for an organization that adopted technology in new or novel ways for conservation management.
  • Technology Practitioner Grant: this grant is for an organization that developed technology (e.g., software, applications, AI models/algorithms, hardware) to advance conservation management.
Both EarthRanger users and non-users are welcome to apply for either grant. There is no requirement or advantage for either grant based on an organization’s user status.


  • Nonprofit and for-profit organizations and protected areas managed in whole or in part by a nonprofit or for-profit organization are eligible to apply.
  • Applicants may only apply for one (1) grant by selecting either the Technology Adopter Grant or Technology Practitioner Grant in the online application form.
  • Past applicants including grantees with new projects or initiatives eligible to apply.


  • Online applications must be fully completed by August 18, 2023 and include a point of contact on behalf of the organization.
  • All applications will be vetted by AI2 for compliance with applicable laws and US government guidelines for international grantmaking.
  • All applicants must follow AI2’s Business Partner Code of Conduct.

Click here to apply

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