
AI for Science Master’s program at AIMS South Africa

Deadline: 8th of April, 2023

A partnership with DeepMind has allowed AIMS South Africa to add a new stream to its Master of Mathematical Science program called AI for Science. The course is located in the fascinating nexus of AI and the sciences. It is a one-year taught masters program that is entirely residential and includes research. Students from all over Africa who are enthusiastic about mathematics, AI, and machine learning are welcome to apply. We are searching for students who are awestruck by the universe and the things around them and who want to use their skills to advance scientific research.


To be eligible to apply for the AI for Science program, you have to:

  • be a resident in Africa at time of application,
  • be a citizen of any country in Africa,
  • have completed a four-year undergraduate degree or a three-year undergraduate degree with an honours year by August 2023.
  • Your undergraduate degree could be in physics, mathematics, statistics, computer science, engineering or any other discipline with a strong computational and mathematical component.
  • The requirement of having completed either a four-year undergraduate degree or a three-year undergraduate degree with an additional honours year is a requirement for enrolling as a Master’s degree student in South Africa.
  • Applications and selection will happen in three rounds.


Register at apply.aims.ac.za and upload the following documents there before 11:59 PM on 8 April:

  • Your curriculum vitae
  • A motivation letter of around 500 words
  • Academic transcripts
  • Written mathematics questions (to be found on the application site)
  • Coding problem (to be found on the application site)

The online application includes a dozen short mathematics questions and one coding problem. It’s not an exam, but the questions give the selection panel some insight into how you approach problems. A full application can’t be completed at the last minute, and we encourage prospective DeepMind Scholars at AIMS South Africa to start applying early!

Online quiz

A shortlisted selection of candidates will be invited to participate in the second round. The round is an online quiz that contains a short selection of mathematics and coding problems, similar to what applicants submitted in the first round. The quiz only covers the mathematical tools that are required to start an advanced AI degree.

Africa is a vast continent with many universities that present an array of different curricula through different teaching systems, all evaluated in different ways. This round gives all applicants a chance to face the same problems at the same time.

The online quiz round is scheduled for Friday 28 April, from 10am to 2pm SAST.


The final round consists of short online interviews in early May.

Click here to apply

Oyin Olufayo

Oyin Olufayo is a Sustainable Development Goals Advocate. A recent graduate of The School of Politics, Policy, and Governance (SPPG) She is a Technical Writer, Political Writer, and a Content Writer. Her passion for sustainable development goals has been implemented by creating tangible solutions. She has featured in grassroots initiatives like TedX, World Literacy Foundation, Spur Nation Media, FRCN, Naija Law and etc. spreading the impact of Sustainable education, and also facilitated numerous events regarding SDGs.

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