
ACS-COSECSA Women Scholars Programme 2023 (up to $2,500

Deadline: 15th of February, 2023

The ACS-COSECSA Women Scholars Programme 2023 is now accepting applications. There are barely 0.5 surgeons for every 100,000 individuals, according to recent statistics. Despite making up more than half of the population, women only make approximately 7% of the surgical workforce.

The American College of Surgeons (ACS) and the College of Surgeons of East, Central, and Southern Africa (COSECSA) have created a scholarship program to support women in surgical residency, assist them in completing their training, and inspire other female medical professionals to think about a career in surgery in order to help address this issue.

This scholarship is supported by a generous donation from Pon Satitpunwaycha, MD, FACS, the American
College of Surgeons Foundation, and the Hellman Grant through the Association of Women Surgeons


Each scholarship is worth $2,500. The number of awards will depend on quality of
applications and available funds.


  • Open to senior female surgical trainees who are preparing to take this fellowship level
    examination in 2023.
  • The award will be used towards fellowship examination expenses, including fellowship
    examination, examination travel and accommodation, graduation, and five-year
    membership dues to COSECSA and ACS.


  • Applicants should include a personal statement indicating future goals, a current curriculum vitae, and a
    letter of support from their surgical training programme director.
  • Completed applications should be sent to the COSECSA Scholarship Committee. Scholarship Reference
  • Number to select on the application portal is ACS-COSECSA/2023/T2

Click here to apply

Oyin Olufayo

Oyin Olufayo is a Sustainable Development Goals Advocate. A recent graduate of The School of Politics, Policy, and Governance (SPPG) She is a Technical Writer, Political Writer, and a Content Writer. Her passion for sustainable development goals has been implemented by creating tangible solutions. She has featured in grassroots initiatives like TedX, World Literacy Foundation, Spur Nation Media, FRCN, Naija Law and etc. spreading the impact of Sustainable education, and also facilitated numerous events regarding SDGs.

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