
ACQUIRE Contest for Frontline Healthcare Workers 2023

Deadline: 15th of August, 2023

Are you a frontline healthcare worker in Africa excited about testing change ideas? Share your story of testing a change idea and win big!

As part of the World Patient Safety celebrations this year, ACQUIRE is excited to invite all frontline healthcare workers and leadership in Africa to participate in this unique opportunity to contribute your insights and experiences to the ongoing conversation about quality improvement in healthcare.

This year’s theme for World Patient Safety celebrations is Engaging Patients for Patient SafetyWe therefore invite you to share narratives on projects on Quality Improvement, Patient Safety or on areas you feel Patients’ Voices were heard.


  • First place – $750
  • Second place – $500
  • Third place – $250
  • Additionally, each submission that meets the QI test of change criteria will receive a $50 cash prize!
  • The top 10 submissions will also have a unique opportunity to present their story to senior WHO and IHI executives at a storytelling webinar on the 29th of September, 2023. 


  • Originality and Verifiability: They are seeking stories that are unique and authentic. All submissions must be the original work of the participants and should be verifiable in case of need. This means that they will need contact details of a referee/ colleague/ supervisor to verify your submissions
  • Measurable Impact: Narratives should provide measurable or demonstrable evidence of the impact on patients or hospital systems. This could include statistics, testimonials, or before-and-after scenarios. Whether it’s impact on an individual patient’s journey or part of a collective effort that led to tangible system-wide improvements, they want to hear about it.
  • Timeliness: The events narrated in your submission should have taken place within the last 2 years. This ensures that the stories reflect recent developments and current perspectives in healthcare.
  •  Language: All narratives should be in English or French. For videos with participants speaking a different language, transcription in English subtitles should be provided.
  •  Clarity and Coherence: Submissions should be well-written or well-presented, with clear and organized content. Abstracts should have a logical flow, while videos should have good audio and visual quality. Ideally, the narrative should have a clear beginning or past, and what is happening at present.
  • Ethical Considerations: Narratives should adhere to ethical guidelines and respect patient privacy. Avoid including sensitive personal information without explicit consent.
  • Diversity of Perspectives: They encourage narratives with testimonials from a diverse range of voices, including patients, healthcare providers, caregivers, and administrators. This will provide a well-rounded view of the impact on various stakeholders.

Submission Process:

  •  Content Creation: Submit a short video story along with an abstract describing the test of change story (following a PDSA cycle)
  • Verification: Provide two references who can provide additional information on your QI story (at least one of the references should be in a supervisory/management role)
  • Submission deadline: Send in your video story and abstract before 15th September 2023, 2359 hours EAT
  • Reviewing process: A panel comprising healthcare experts, quality improvement, and patient safety advocates, will evaluate the change stories based on the criteria provided. All submissions will receive written feedback from the review panel.
  • Awards and Presentation: The top 10 narratives will receive cash awards and will get a chance to share their stories on our platforms, offering a broader audience the opportunity to learn from and be inspired by these narratives.


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