
17th SEARCA Photo Contest 2023 for Southeast Asia

Deadline: 30th of November, 2023

The application for 17th SEARCA Photo Contest 2023 for Southeast Asia is not open. The 17th SEARCA Photo Contest (2023), with the theme Regenerating agri-ecosystems, lowering “global boiling”,  seeks images from Southeast Asia, which  focus on agricultural technologies and practices that help abate climate change and promote less pressure to natural resources, recycle, or re-use by-products to lessen wastage, and with low carbon footprint.

Photo submissions should ideally showcase farmers and farming families, researchers, inventors, and even students and the youth using technologies and practices in the field. The images could be part of agricultural production or experimentation across the broad spectrum of crop cultivation, livestock and animal husbandry, or fisheries.

Photos may depict technologies and practices

  • That increase productivity, yield or income for farmers and farming families in crop cultivation, livestock, or fishery while reducing wastes;
  • That make crops or livestock more sustainable and resilient against unfavorable environments such as drought, flood, and salinity as well as resistant to pests and diseases among other stresses;
  • That are developed by local communities or the youth using indigenous materials or tribal knowledge that aims to conserve resources or reduce, re-use, or recycle farm wastes;
  • And images that foster partnerships resulting in breakthrough agricultural technologies and innovations or sustainable knowledge and technology transfer to farmers and farming communities.


  • 1st Prize – USD 1,000
  • 2nd Prize – USD 800
  • 3rd Prize – USD 500

Special awards:

  •  SEARCA Director’s Choice – USD 500
  •  Philippine Department of Education Secretary’s Choice – USD 500
  •  People’s Choice Award -USD 400
  • Best Youth Photographer – USD 300


  • The 17th SEARCA Photo Contest (2023) is open to all Southeast Asian nationals except SEARCA staff and their immediate family members.
  • All entries must be submitted via during the submission period (18 September –30 November 2023). A contestant can enter an unlimited number of entries for as long as these meet the photo contest specifications.
  • To minimize cases of plagiarism, the contestants will be asked to certify that:
    1. they own the photographs submitted and that they grant SEARCA full permission to use it in knowledge packaging, sharing, and advocacy related to SEARCA’s mandate. SEARCA shall ensure that the photographer will be properly credited for photos used, such as in print and digital publications;
    2. the photographs are original, have not won any previous photo contests, published elsewhere (whether print or electronic), or submitted as entries to any other photo contests during the 17th SEARCA Photo Contest period. The same or similar photos submitted to past SEARCA photo contests may not be submitted again; and
    3. that the photos have not been digitally altered and/or enhanced in any way other than simple cropping.
  • Entries must be digital, colored, in JPEG format, and at least 3,000 pixels wide for a horizontal image, or 3,000 pixels tall for a vertical image at 300 dpi.
  • Each entry should have the following details in English:
    1. Photographer’s full name, age range, and gender;
    2. photographer’s country of origin;
    3. photographer’s professional status;
    4. photo caption;
    5. place where the photo was taken (include township/municipality, province/state, and country);
    6. complete date taken; and
    7. other information that may be deemed necessary for reference purposes.
  • Winners will be notified via e-mail. SEARCA has the right to offer the prize to the next winning entry if the winner does not respond within two weeks after notification.
  • Winners will be asked to provide their bank information for cash prizes remittance; certificates of recognition will be sent by mail.

Judging Criteria:

  • Relevance to the theme – 40%
  • Technical quality – 30%
    (clarity, use of tones and color, photographic composition)
  • Impact (regional flavor) – 30%

Click here to apply

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